Have you heard of a book called ‘Lexicon’?

It’s a good book, though some of the language is pretty American, so I have to check that up in the dictionary, and there are a few words I don’t understand. Also, I lose track of the scene in the middle of reading it sometimes, and then I can’t imagine the person in the book doing things and have to reread that part again and again in order to understand how the scene plays out.

But other than that, the book is – so far – good. And I especially like that the chapters alternate between the character’s past and present, so it’s like we’re following two distinct but related (in that some characters in the “past” also appear in the present) threads that slowly explain the peculiarity of certain characters in the present.

So read the book.


Now read this

Writing funny and smart is tough

Being funny and smart is something a girl would tell you if she likes you. It’s by far the two most popular personality traits that are attractive to either sex. Admit it: nobody likes a dumb bore. That does mean a person who isn’t funny... Continue →