I just initiated a new blog called “The Chronicler”

I think this is becoming too much. I already have Flat and white, Canamla, Svbtle and Medium. And now you can add The Chronicler to that list. All of my blogs are listed on my Google+ page.

I’m just writing this here so that those reading this go to http://chronicler.tk and read my first blog post there. Even though it’s a little small (not to mention completely off-topic), it’s one of the first blogs I started using with Tumblr.

So now I have a presence on Blogger, Tumblr, Svbtle, Medium, Twitter (although I don’t use this much – not at all, actually) and Google+. I think Facebook is the most prominent thing missing from this, because I choose not to have a Facebook account (it’s too shabby and mixed up for my interests, which Google+ takes care of perfectly).

So, this is just a message to those reading this, to check out The Chronicler, where I will be posting some interesting stuff over the days. An important thing about this particular blog, is that it will also consist of chat logs, videos, audio, pictures, quotes and stuff like that (in addition to plain ol’ text).

So I hope you’re looking forward to hear from me. Make me believe it by sending me an email through my email address (if you know it), or through my About Me page.

P.S. I used the word initiate and not start when describing the inception of “The Chronicler”, because I’d actually started this blog way back in 2008, but never started using it seriously till now. (Just so you know.)


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The sandwich theorem (also called the squeeze theorem)

Not another post on limits… Too late. The sandwich theorem, known as the squeeze theorem in certain curriculums, is a fairly important theorem on limits. In simple terms, it states that if ƒ1 ƒ2 ƒ3 are three functions and the limit as... Continue →