

A very, very versatile tool.

Writing is something that only humans can do. And the pencil is the perfect tool to exercise this ability. It’s better than pens because you can erase pencil marks and reuse the same space.

Drawing is another thing that pencils are often prefered for. You can shade, make technical drawings, or just scribble something up to help you understand something.

Diagrams are one of the most effective ways of learning and understanding anything. Pencils are the best thing to draw diagrams with, for they aid not only in improving memory, but also in the conceptualisation of complex phenomena.

This page is too small to express how much I love using a good pencil. It makes me feel like I’m in control, and that I have a clear determination to achieve what I’ve decided to set out to do.

The solution to the world’s problems starts with understanding the problem. And what better way is there to do that, than to simply use a pencil to make a quick picture to represent it?


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Balancing work and play

It’s always been difficult thing to do for me, but some people do it with ease, almost naturally, and they’re completely unaware that this thing that they do – balancing work and play – doesn’t come to everybody like it comes to them. An... Continue →