Svbtle isn’t free any more

Svbtle used to be free for anybody to join, but it isn’t anymore. Those who joined earlier are lucky because they get basic features for free, forever. But things that used to be available before, like subscribing by email and custom domains, is now restricted to paid members.

For any new people who want to join Svbtle, the first thirty days are free, but subsequently, a recurring fee of $6 has to be paid per month to continue to use Svbtle.

Sure, this can make money for the person who made Svbtle, and supporting something for free for a long time is clearly not possible. But at least subscribing by email and custom domains, which were free features before, should’ve remained available indefinitely for early users.

So I’m going to stop writing on Svbtle now (but you can access previous posts as you wish).

Bye bye, Svbtle, and thank you for your time, but I now realise that it wasn’t worth anything much.


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Bubble, selection and insertion sort

Looks like this blog is becoming all about revising for a test, but it’s only going to be for Computer Science. So, there are several techniques in sorting an array. We’re going to be discussing only three in this post, though: Bubble... Continue →