Tumblr vs Blogger

The irony is that I’m writing this on Svbtle. Another thing I don’t like Svbtle for is that to type my post, I have to zoom the “write” page to 150%. That’s just bad on Svbtle’s part. And the worst part is that I don’t even know where I should report this.

Anyway, Tumblr versus Blogger.

I’ve personally been using Blogger a lot more than Tumblr. I don’t even remember my Tumblr password.

But Tumblr’s been gaining in popularity in a big way. It is the go-to network for all teens who are crazy about the internet in a social kind-of way. They’d prefer Tumblr to Facebook.

But I prefer Blogger, not only because it is simple and I’ve already been using a Google account for the past many years (at least half a decade), but also because I feel more “in control” with Blogger.

All those different “post types” in Tumblr, and the quirky search feature, are all drawbacks. I know I can’t gain an audience on Tumblr unless I personally design the theme. And there aren’t any comments by default.

All these things wouldn’t bother me so much, had they occurred individually, but since that isn’t the case (it’s quite the opposite, actually), you can see where my bother regarding Tumblr comes from.

So, I’m going to primarily stick with Blogger now, use Medium a little, and Svbtle even littler.

I hope you’re okay with that, because I don’t really care if you don’t. (That is not a joke.)

(Laugh already…)



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