Getting something I didn’t know I wanted until it was gifted to me on my birthday

Those are the very best kind of presents.

Some presents are those which you really didn’t need, but appreciate greatly.

Some other presents are those which you really didn’t want, so they just while away in their covers at home, and are eventually forgotten in some corner of an almirah. Thankfully, I didn’t get any such gifts this birthday.

Then there are those presents which give you something that you knew you really wanted. For me, that was a good quality Rubik’s Cube. It was something that I’d wanted, but not really thought about much.

And then there are some gifts that just make your heart happy. I didn’t even know I needed it. But it really made me feel nice once I got it.

A really great thank you to the person who thought of this. Thank you for The Lost Symbol (the author is Dan Brown), dear person who bought me this gift.

And thank you for all the gifts I got, because each one of them is something I’d use in this year.

But what was infinitely better than the gifts was the experience I had with those people I spent my birthday with. We had a great time together, and I (for one who doesn’t get extremely happy too often), felt very, very happy and satisfied with my seventeenth birthday.

Thank you, again.

And for those who weren’t invited and are feeling slightly bad, I’m really sorry I didn’t invite you, but you’ve been of the greatest help to me – directly or indirectly – and I really, really appreciate it. Without you, I mightn’t have been the same now-seventeen year old person, so a big, big thank you to you.


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Blending in with new friends and environments

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