Writing has become my favourite way to pass time.

I should be studying, but when passing time, writing has become the only thing I do that doesn’t feel inherently useless. Playing video games, watching soap operas on television (maybe with one or two exceptions) and simply whiling around seems like a complete waste of time – but not writing.

This actually makes me feel good. I feel like I’m in control of something, and that someone is going to read this. Even though there aren’t any comments on Svbtle by default, I can (with appreciable, though not so large, effort) put a link to the Disqus thread where you can comment.

I think Svbtle is better than Blogger in some ways, because all blogs look the same under Svbtle. Also, Blogger requires too much customisation, and even when all that is over, I’m restricted by the general theme of the blog.

For example, on Flat and white I can only write about inspirational, motivational, intuitional and those kinds of stuff. On Medium, I can only write “stories” (as they’re called in Medium’s terminology) that I hope will get reshared and will become popular.

But on Svbtle, my blog is my name, and there’s no other thing. So I’m completely free to choose my topic, no matter how random it may be. My writing is directly connected to my name, even though that’s true in Blogger.

And besides, this editor is one of the best ones out there, except Medium’s editor of course, which is in a class of its own (although I don’t like how it sometimes doesn’t detect when I press Cmd + B [and some other shortcuts] because I’m pressing it too fast, in which case I have to wait a whole second before I can re-bold and continue).

All in all, Svbtle is really nice, so I hope you create a Svbtle blog too. You don’t need a Twitter account for Svbtle (though you will need one for Medium).


Now read this

Have you heard of a book called ‘Lexicon’?

It’s a good book, though some of the language is pretty American, so I have to check that up in the dictionary, and there are a few words I don’t understand. Also, I lose track of the scene in the middle of reading it sometimes, and then... Continue →