In an effort to write

I started this Svbtle thing in an effort to write. I’ve always been reading, but writing is a different ball game. It helps me apply those things I’ve learnt while reading to new scenarios.

This not only improves my English (literally), but also helps me form an opinion and justify it.

The small font used when creating a blog post helps me write more than I would’ve, had I been using a larger font. We’re used to filing a certain height in content before it becomes a burden. Fitting in more words in that height is the best way to start writing long-form.

I’ve even seen articles with a hundred thousand words written on one page on Medium. Medium’s algorithm predicts that it would take me half an hour to read that post.

Nobody has time for that kind of reading. Six to seven minutes tops the number of words in reading time that I’d like to aim for.

There’s no commenting on Svbtle. I think that’s a good thing because it gives me the freedom to write without tailoring my writing to get more comments, but it’s a bad thing too because it doesn’t allow people to express their views and have a good discussion (which I think is an essential part of connecting with the audience). But there’s an easy way out. I can just link to Disqus at the end of every post. You’ll have to go to a separate page to comment, but having the discussion in a dedicated place is a plus too.

So I’ll do that. Get ready to see daily or at the least biweekly posts from me here or on Flat and white.



Now read this


This will be my first technical post. I’m using this to revise for a test, but I’m sure the perspective of someone who’s new to this and is still learning will help others who’re just starting out. Everything discussed in this post will... Continue →